Friday, June 13, 2014


I am like a car racer: speedy, yet composed, a little crazy and out of control. Then I am like a stealthy undercover agent hiding in the best spots. Sounds like a movie doesn’t it? This just describes me after dinner. I eat my food in the closet, then, when no one is looking, I race through the big dog door and my fast little feet find their way out into the BIG yard where I am not allowed to go. You wouldn’t catch me doing this in the winter, but now that it is summer, you literally can’t catch me cause I am so fast! I hear my Mom screeching in the background, but all I can hear is the wind in my ears as I race around the yard like being in the Chihuahua 500. Then I find the nearest tall weed (another advantage to the summertime) and I hide. I then get to enjoy watching my Mom racing around the yard too. It is like one big racetrack and my car is winning. Yay me! Then I get caught. It is kind of a bummer ending to my movie like moment, but that is just the way it is. I will again accept the verbal spanking for a few minutes of life in the fast lane!



This is me stealthily hiding behind a blade of grass.
Hey, no one said my brain was as big as my ego...

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