Friday, August 15, 2014


In a previous blog, I told you about my new “friend” Lacey who has taken over our household with her cuteness and sweetness and all of that mushy stuff that I have no use for. She had a broken leg and I thought that maybe she was faking to get all of that attention, but as it turns out, she really did have a broken leg. She recently got her cast off after having it on for 2 months. Dr.Swainson said that she was healed and was very pleased with her progress. Her leg looks a little funny since it has been wrapped up for so long and all she wants to do is lick, lick, lick, which I can understand. I saw the x-rays of her broken leg and the implant that Dr. Swainson put in to fix it. This is much better than the x-ray of my stomach when I ate too much food!  It is kind of cool. I might want one of those metal implants someday. (Don’t tell my Mom I said that) Lacey is kind of like a bionic dog or a Transformer dog. Maybe she will turn into a car someday or a cute little pick-up truck. That would be good, then she could drive away and I would get my much-deserved attention back. I’m cute too you know!


Super Cute

I really thought she just had a limp wrist...
Here is Lacey squeezing the last little bit of
 'oh you poor baby' out of Mom. 
I want my own hardware too now. It might interfere with
my globetrotting, man of mystery mystique though.
It would surely set off every airport metal detector from here to Rio
Maybe I could be the Man of Steel.

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