Thursday, December 11, 2014


So I heard from Cayenne who heard from Sabre who heard from Dutchess that my Mom told someone at work that I am a jerk! Do I look like a jerk to you? I think not. Why would my Mom think that huh? I have racked my little dog brain trying to figure it out and each time I think I might have an idea I dismiss it as ridiculous. I have come up completely empty pawed on this one. Maybe one of my blog fans can figure it out for me. It is tough having to ask for help but if you have heard something through the grapevine, I would appreciate you cluing me in on the scoop! It should be difficult for my Mom to talk behind my back since I am so short and cute, but it sounds like she found a way to do it and I am at a loss for barks.
I had better hurry up and get my stunt double in case my Mom decides to start reprimanding me. I don’t really know what the consequences are for being a jerk. I will for sure need my double for the treat deprivation or public shaming to come and you can't expect me to take any friendly taps on my hind end can you? I didn't think so.

Clueless Jerk
Look my Mom is getting ready to pat my butt.
Can I even say butt in a blog? …pat my backside, how's that.

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