Friday, August 23, 2013

Chuck’s Pantry

Just a little FYI to all of my animal friends out there: pantry means food! You need to check the house you live in and see if there is a closet like thing near the kitchen. You might have already figured this out, but if not, you are missing out. I am not encouraging bears or other big scary animals to come into the house to find the pantry, just us domesticated home dwellers. The pantry at my house is where the dog food is kept and there are also dog treats, my treat ball and sometimes whole bags of dog food just waiting to be put in the bin or in my mouth whichever happens first. If I can get to the bag before the bin does, I can chew out a little hole and have a never ending supply of food right there just for me. (It doesn’t usually end up this way since my Mom usually catches me before I get to really indulge, but it could happen right?) Maybe she would just think it was a really big mouse that did all that damage. This is not an invitation to a mouse, just so we understand each other. To my mice friends, if I haven’t made myself clear, there are cats on the premises, so I wouldn’t chance it if I were you. Well, I might, but I am really food motivated. Sometimes I am so clever that I can sneak in the pantry when my Mom opens the door and she closes it without even knowing I am in there. Once I am safely inside, I do not give away my location. This gives me more time to investigate the pantry contents. Be an explorer of your surroundings. There are some great things waiting to be found! Once you have found them, keep them to yourself!

Pantry Prisoner     
                      'I could totally eat this entire bag in like thirty.....six probably 48 hours'

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