So if the cupboard door is open and no one is looking, wouldn’t you climb in there and have a look around? That’s what I thought too. There is some cool stuff in there. Pots and pans which I know sometimes have food in them, cooking spray for food and food containers that were depressingly empty, but you get the idea.
Well, you would have thought that I stole a steak off the grill or something. (not that I could reach the grill) My mom was squealing at me to get out. The other dogs were sticking their big heads in the cupboard doors to see if there was a rat in there. They were so disappointed that it was just me. The next time I see a cupboard door open, I will make sure there is something in there worth getting in trouble for.
Thanksgiving is a special time of the year where families get together and share love, laughter and food. The smells are just too much for me. I know that the holiday was created with me in mind. Scarfing to your heart’s content with no regard for later consequences. The whole pie thing is perfect and I picture myself fitting perfectly inside a pie pan and eating my surroundings. Yum. I know that the leftovers are also meant for me because you people had your chance to eat! Now it is my turn.
When I was a puppy, my Mom had a hard time getting me to eat. No really, it is true. She actually went to the trouble of cooking turkey for me because it always worked. Even though I am not quite as picky now, I am still a turkey fan. So Thanksgiving brings back those puppy-hood memories. Just thinking about it makes my stomach growl. I am thankful for Turkey Day! Chuck Talkin’ Turkey
It is so nice to know that I am not the only dog who has had to have a surgery. There was a furry dog who came to Colorado Canine Orthopedics where I hang out with my Mom sometimes. She had a broken frong leg and was pretty upset about it. She was in a cage snarling and growling. If I did this I would be reprimanded with the usual “Chuck, stop being a Chihuahua” Like I can help it. Anyway, Dr. Riecks, a canine orthopedic surgeon, did surgery on her broken leg and then someone sent her home with me. Are you kidding? Her name is Dutchess and she thinks she is royalty or something. Since her leg is no longer broken, she does seem to be getting a little bit nicer. Last night she shared her toy with me. I tried to eat it and then she took it back. I think she likes me…..
Chuck The Quasi Chihuahua
Friday, November 9, 2012
I would like to address a topic that is hard for us shorties to discuss and that is our weight. I was, for a time, a little bit overweight, especially for my size. I know you find this hard to believe since I am certainly not obsessed with food.
Anyway, I once ate a rock and had to have abdominal surgery to get it out. Dr. Bauer, our orthopedic vet friend, was kind enough to point out that the rock didn’t belong in my stomach. Who knew? So since he is an orthopedic guy, I figured I could get out of it, but no such luck.
I got to stay in the posh ICU for three days after my surgery. I was treated to turkey meat and baby food. This was not my idea of a weight loss plan since it was very tasty. So I lost a few pounds and continued on the baby food regimen and now I get vegetables, ham and a variety of baby food.
That rock was the best thing that ever happened to me. Though I haven’t eaten one since.
So as a new blogger, I plan on covering many topics that should interest my furry and not so furry friends.
I myself don’t have a lot of fur which is why I am cold sometimes. I sleep in a furry bag and like to have it put in the dryer before I turn in for the night. My Mom says this makes me spoiled. I think it just makes me smart. It is like additional fur for me and since it probably wouldn’t be smart to put me in the dryer (though I did try to jump in there once or twice) I like my stuff warm.