Friday, April 24, 2015


Welcome to Chuck’s world of dreaming. I just want to share some dreams with you in case you don’t have any dreams of your own. Yes, for once I am not being selfish. I am sharing this most personal part of myself with you. I find this to be very noble and I am a little awe struck by myself! Anyway, my first dream is of me being a very big dog. I am able to pee on a tree, not just a small blade of grass. I know what you are thinking and no I don’t actually pee in my sleep, just so you know. As a big dog, I get the big dog biscuits instead of the minis. This is a good dream. In my next dream, I am trapped inside a bag of potato chips, but it doesn’t feel like being trapped. It feels yummy! This is also a very good dream. In yet another one of my dreams, I am running, my little legs are moving, but I am not getting anywhere. I am not even sure where I am running to. It must be some place important if I am trying so hard to get there. It is probably a buffet. I would try really hard to get to one of those. My last dream that I will share with you is the best of all. I live in a little castle and I am the king of all of the Chihuahuas. They bring gifts to me which mostly consist of food items, but also lots of money so that I can buy more food! This is a super good dream and sometimes I wake up and I am surrounded by the other little dogs in my house and I think my dream has come true, but then one of them “accidentally” steps on my head and I know that wasn’t part of my dream. Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed this little dream journey. Feel free to change any details for yourself like maybe you are trapped in a can of beer or something. You know, whatever works for you!

Chuck McDreamy

Friday, April 17, 2015


I think it is fair to say that I could be a mascot for a sports team. I am energetic, fun and full of charisma! Now it is just finding the right fit for my skills and abilities. Let me know what you think of my possible choices….

I could be a very small horse for the Broncos. I could be a mean looking pig for the Arkansas Razorbacks. (The pig part isn’t much of a stretch you know.) How about a cute happy dolphin swimming around? I don’t know how I could be a red sock, but I could certainly wear one over my head. I could be a cowboy! Yee Haw. I would be a 49er if it meant 49 different types of food would be at my disposal! I guess I couldn't be the fighting Irish, but I could be a fighting Mexican! (Do you think they could create a team for me?)  As you can see from my long list of possibilities, I am ready to be a mascot.
My picture below is me preparing to work for the Colorado Chicks! That is a team right? Maybe it is the Colorado Small Chickens? Could we name it the Chihuahua Chickens? Just a thought.


Chicken Little                                            

Friday, April 10, 2015


Do you ever have those weeks where you just can’t seem to get inspired? Times that you just feel like crawling under your blanket and staying there? Times that you wish that your big mouth housemates would stop barking long enough for you to catch some shut eye? Times that you wish that you could just watch some World Cup Soccer and eat an entire bag of Fritos without hearing “Chuck, put that bag down” or “Chuck, you can’t eat that!” or just plain “NO Chuck!” I think that I might be suffering from spring fever. I am not sure what it is, but it sounds serious. I hope it won’t require surgery! Is it contagious? If I have it, could I give it to you if I were to maybe lick your nose? I mean, I don’t know, I am just asking. Anyway, I am so sorry for my lack of enthusiasm and creativity. As soon as my fever goes away, I will be back to my normal self: getting in trouble and telling you all about it. In fact, I think I might be getting better already. This morning, my Dad opened the blinds and let the sun shine on my bed. I think I might be ready for a little Chihuahua tanning session with drinks and snacks. It is difficult to soak up the sun from underneath my blanket. I guess I will come out for a little while! I might need some ear plugs though just in case someone is yelling at me. Do they make those in my size?

Bipolar Chihuahua
Do I look sick? How would you know if I had a fever? Oh wait, I know the answer to that- never mind! I am pretty sure I am fine!

Friday, April 3, 2015


As a blogger, my post is linked to Facebook. Colorado Canine Orthopedics is my little showcase for the world wide social media outlet. As I continue my knowledge of the computer and internet, I am now becoming very knowledgeable about Facebook. There are little terms that you need to know if you want to navigate it with some understanding of what you are doing. For this week’s blog, I am going to give you the ultimate Chihuahua tour of Facebook so that you can join in the fun of social media. You might want to have a pen and paper ready….
The first thing you need to know is that Facebook was actually named with MY cute face as an inspiration. It’s true!  
The second thing is what happens when you like someone: That means that everyone on Facebook likes me a lot!
The third thing is about sharing: when you share something, it means that you are telling ALL of your friends how COOL I am!
The third lesson for today is about friending someone. This is not an act of violence as one might think. It simply means that too many people want to be MY friend and it overloads Facebook and everything shuts down for awhile. I know it is tragic, but what can I do?
The last thing you need to know is called a Post. This is a large stick of wood that I try to chew on when no one is looking. Honestly, it doesn’t taste very good, but I am not supposed to chew on stuff so that just makes it fun!!!

I hope this has been helpful to you as you venture out into the computer world. If you need a friend, and you want to share your post, you will probably like it! 

Like ME, Share ME, Love ME      
Sometimes I even type with my back feet!
(Of course it is a little bit harder to read)