Friday, December 28, 2012

Chiquita Chuck

When I was just a pup, Dr. Bauer was eating a banana. He noticed my interest and held it out to me. I took one bite and was hooked. I got a few more bites before he selfishly tried to take it back. I made a pitiful sound and he gave me some more.
This time, I grabbed it with my paws and didn’t let go. Dr. Bauer said that I should just keep it now that I had touched it with my feet. He was ok sharing when I was biting it, but not when I was holding it?

Either way, I got to keep the banana. I love them to this day, but I will always remember the first one that I stole, I mean that was given to me.

Chiquita Banana Bandit

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ho Ho Holy Chihuahua - I love Christmas when the giant Santa Chihuahua brings gifts for all of the good dogs in the world. Oh, wait according to my Mom and various other people and dogs who know me, that might not include me. Do you think that I am on some bad dog list somewhere and will be deprived of all of the holiday gifts and treats? I think not.

So every now and then I pee where I am not supposed to. That could happen to anyone. So what if I get a little nippy when my nails are being clipped. I have heard that people do this too. And ok, I have been known to be snarky to my fellow dog friends when they want one of my toys. They are MY toys.

Overall, I am loving and cute. Maybe more cute than loving, but I could crank up the love in the month of December. How far does this list go back anyway? I am going to continue to howl when I hear Christmas music and hope that the Santa Chihuahua brings me stuff. If I am left out on Christmas day, I can pout and hold a grudge for ridiculously extended periods of time! This will bother my Mom who will then go out and get me stuff just to see me be happy again. I am expecting a full stocking this year. How about you?

Makin’ a list, checkin’ it twice – Chuck, naughty and nice…

Chuck and Cayenne ready for Christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2012


At Colorado Canine Orthopedics, they do many surgeries. Some dogs have bad knees or hips or broken legs. I never thought that I would need their services. One day Dr. Swainson was watching me run around like an idiot and he told my Mom that my hips looked funny. She laughed and so did I since we thought he was kidding. Then they actually took pictures of my hips. (I am very photogenic). Surgery? You are kidding.

Come to find out that I had a hip disease called Legg-Calve-Perthes. I am thinking what do I have to do with cows? I couldn’t remember the name so I call it “leg-ow-hurties”. My little dog hips did hurt, but I didn’t tell my Mom since I knew she would worry. Dr. Bauer ended up doing surgery on both of my hips.

After the surgery, I looked like I wasn’t wearing any pants. Both of my legs had been shaved and it was wintertime and Christmas. Not the gift that I had been hoping for, but my hips didn’t hurt anymore. It took a little while, and I had to go to dog rehab where they have an underwater treadmill. That was pretty fun. I wore a little life jacket and everything. I can now run, run, run and my Mom can’t catch me. That is when she calls me funny names that I can’t repeat.

One hip dude

Friday, December 7, 2012

Before I came along, my Mom only had big dogs, so I was a nice addition to the dog family. That is until I tried to play with the big dogs and I was the perfect height to sniff their underparts, so my Mom got worried about me being stepped on. She looked and looked for a friend for me who was closer to my size and finally found Cayenne.

She is a Chihuahua also and was so happy to come live with me when my Mom got her from a rescue in New Mexico. We love to snuggle under the blankets together and then for fun we fight like dogs and dogs. She comes to Colorado Canine Orthopedics with me about once a week. The building we are in has different businesses that make up the Veterinary Specialty Center. We like to go visit the other people in the building since they tell us how cute we are and stuff like that.

One of our favorites is the dog dentist, Dr. Tony Woodward. He brings us ham. He wrote a little poem for us, it goes like this…. “A little ditty about Chuck and Cayenne, we’re in dog day care please bring us some ham!”
Cougar Mellancamp