still waiting.
I know
that last week I wanted to be Santa, but none of that had actually been
implemented so I was still expecting Santa to maintain his normal duties until
he received other instructions. His normal duties would include bringing gifts
to ME. I am sure that my name is high up on his list of deliveries. I am sure
that I would not be forgotten due to my celebrity status. I am practically a
household name and certainly a topic of discussion at most dinner tables during
the evening meal. I know there are kids who depend on Santa too, but they don’t
have a blog and they have probably been naughty and are undeserving of any
gifts from the big guy in the red suit. I on the other hand have been a
portrait of goodness, a saintly Chihuahua if you will. This means rewards at
Christmas time. I would gladly accept one of those big stockings with all of
the cool dog treats and toys and stuff. I would also take non-perishable canned
goods with a preference toward Tuna or canned ham. Stick a bow on one of those
cans and I have myself a fine Christmas present. Hopefully, you have been
paying attention to what I need since it looks like Santa is up for a pink slip
if you know what I mean. (I don’t even know what I mean.) Anyway, I must
beseech you, my many blog fans, out of the goodness of your hearts, to bring me
some stuff! If I wait much longer, it will be Christmas again and I will be
really snarky due to hunger pains. Thank you for your attention to this matter!