Have you ever had a little
personal flaw that you hope no one will notice? Maybe it is a hair that never
goes the right way or a crooked nose or a small gap between your teeth. These
little things can become big issues if you spend too much time dwelling on
their existence. Most people would probably never even notice these little
flaws and even if they did, they probably like you so much that they really
wouldn’t care. I hope that you are the kind of person who doesn’t dwell on the
little flaws of others and that you are a person who sees beyond looks and
focuses on the inner beauty that each of us have. OK maybe I don’t possess
inner beauty because I am rotten and naughty (according to my Mom and some of
her stupid friends) but I would like you to focus on how cute I am and how my
little tail wags when there is food nearby and how I howl from under my blanket
and I don’t even know why. Please remember these little cute things as you
notice my flaw in the picture below. It isn’t always there but sometimes…..there
it is for the world to laugh at, but not you right?