Thursday, November 6, 2014


As Turkey Day, I mean as Thanksgiving Day nears, I am going to blog each week in this month about things that I am thankful for. I hope that you will follow me this month with your own list of things to be thankful for. Please be creative and don’t steal from my list. One of the things I am thankful for is my selfishness. (I get and keep more stuff).
This week I would like to focus on ME. I think that is a good start don’t you? So that means that as you write your own list, you focus on YOU while paying close attention to ME.  Here we go……
I am thankful that:
I am so handsome
I am so smart and charismatic
I am sneaky
I am the leader of the little dog pack. (most of the time)
I am free to hit the pee pad or not. No one is the wiser.
I look sharp in any clothes that are put on me
I have vision like a hawk and can swoop on floor food quickly
I am so humble
Now it is your turn to write a list. Don’t be shy. Really put it out there about yourself. You have things to brag about I am sure. Maybe not as much as me, but you aren’t Chuck and this isn’t your blog! (If your name is Chuck, sorry, but the latter comment still stands)

Full of Grace and Humility
(I would be if they were food items)

As you can plainly see I am really so perfect, I'm not sure what to say.
I could just stare at ME for hours.

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