Friday, May 15, 2015


I am giving up my amazing wisdom and wit this week to share my blog with my big brother Sabre. He is turning 13 today and I figured I could do a Happy Birthday blog instead of sending a card or buying him a gift. There are rumors that Sabre is my Mom’s favorite dog. I know she calls him her “Pooh Dog” and all but I am sure it can’t be true. I mean really. Look how cute I am and I am so well behaved. She calls me something else that starts with Rat, but that is a compliment right? Like my own little pet name. I think I am everyone’s favorite, but Sabre is the alpha dog and all of the dogs in my house look up to him. I literally look up to him because he is a lot bigger than me. Someday I will be as big as Sabre if I keep eating my ham! I must admit that I am feeling a little bit insecure today. I would like to be the alpha someday, but those are some pretty big paw prints that I would have to fill. I think my whole body would maybe fit in one of them. Maybe I don’t need to be an alpha. It sounds like a lot of responsibility and work and I don’t like either one of those things. I might have to be an example of good behavior and what fun is that? I think I will just keep being my Mom’s “Rat ___________”  and I will stay under my blanket where no one expects anything from me. I feel much better now that I am not going to be a Labrador Retriever. It makes me tired just thinking about it. In honor of Sabre’s birthday, I say we all get under our blankets and take a nap!


Are we having cake?

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