Friday, May 27, 2016


Another holiday is here that marks the beginning of summer. Summer in the hungry Chihuahua world equates to barbeques and frequent gatherings of food in outdoor venues. This means that stuff falls on the ground and I am required to snatch it up before any birds, mice or any other pesky food stealers try to get it.  Memorial Day is a special holiday for many reasons, but anyone who knows me well knows that I am not focused on the meaning of the holiday. My interest is strictly limited to the celebration of the holiday. Please be ready to take notes as I give you a list of things that you will need to purchase in order to enjoy the holiday properly. First on my list is HAM. There can be no celebration without it. Second - potato chips. these are like ham’s friends that like to be included in any ham presentation. Third is beer. Beer is needed to wash down the ham and chips. Fourth is a table that sits very low to the ground. This will allow your furry home dwellers to peruse the buffet when you aren’t looking. Fifth is friends and family to share all of the above. (I just added #5 to make myself sound like I care) I hope that you enjoy the entire holiday weekend. Please don’t forget the list and while you are at the grocery story, could you pick me up some ham and anything else you think I might need.
Thank you.

HCB Promotions

(ham, chips and beer)

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