Chuck has been grounded and will be unable to write his blog this week. After scarfing up his breakfast, he snarkily tried to bite me while I was taking him out of the closet. This is one of many instances where Chuck displays a lack of respect and a streak of arrogance that is not acceptable in our house. He can be charming and sweet, but that is not the dominant trend or how I would currently describe him. In order to punish him effectively, I must take things away that mean something to him. If he had a cell phone I would take it, but unfortunately, there are only a few weapons of correction at my disposal. The first is no ham for a week. This will for sure cause him some pain and discomfort. He also cannot write his blog which further inflates his little ego so he will be a hamless, unconnected dog for one week. We will see how all of this goes and I am sure that next week he will have some choice words to describe me, but I have just as many well chosen words to describe him. So there…………… Chuck’ Mom
I want to dig a little deeper into life in this ultra- introspective blog for this week. I feel like I may be coming across as a little bit shallow and not a deep thinker. Well I am a very cerebral Chihuahua. I ponder the important things in life. Do you have these times where you really think about stuff that means something to you? I am sure you are thinking about people who are important to you and maybe thinking about the great things you could do in your life. So, when you are sound asleep, what would be important enough for you to be woken up and not be mad about it? If someone brought you a present or if you won the lottery, would you be ok with rolling out of bed? If someone wanted you to mow the lawn or something, I am guessing that wouldn’t be ok. As I think deeply about this subject, I know that ham is the only thing I will wake up for and not be snarky. When you are choosing for yourself, please don’t pick ham. I already did that. CHUCK Super Intelligent Deep Thinker
Can you not hear me scratching and wailing and crying in here? I seem to get forgotten in the closet more times than I should. I am not saying I can’t ever be forgotten. For instance, if one of the dog food bins is left open, you can forget about me all night long until breakfast comes around. You can leave me in the closet if there is a scary person in my house. That would be ok, but when there is no entertainment in there or any fear factors, you need to let me out when I am done eating. The absence of my slurping and gulping noises should give you a clue that I am finished eating and am ready to retire under my blanket. My blog fans will rise up and protest how I am being mistreated so you better pay attention to me!!! Thank you, my fans for watching out for me as I would do for you if I actually cared about anyone but myself. It is the thought that counts, right? CHUCK Ready to come out now!
Sometimes I day dream about running wild and free: Galloping with the horses, chasing the wild bunnies, scaring the birds with my bark and surprising the ground squirrels with my sneakiness and stealth. Then I remember that there is no ham in any of those above mentioned scenarios. I think that I am happy to stay in the safety of my pen. Sometimes the grass is greener right where you are napping! CHUCK Day Dream Deny er
We got to go to work with my Mom and it was super exciting. She put two dog beds down for us but the girls insisted on squeezing into one bed. I spent my first hour trying to escape so I could run to Becky’s office, but no luck there. There is a window in the door and people were looking at us like we were a zoo exhibit which might not be far from the truth. Anyway, I finally crawled under the blanket and did my usual thing. That is the thing about being a good sleeper. You can just nap anywhere no matter who is gawking at you. I could have been more sociable I suppose, but nothing gets in the way of me and a good nap except for ham. I would even try to do some little Chihuahua tricks for a ham snack. Maybe I should spend more time learning tricks? Never mind, I am cute and that is the only trick I need! CHUCK Napping on the job