Friday, December 1, 2017


I am not sure if this is the real Chihuahua Santa, so I will be nice to him just in case!
It is officially the month of the great Chihuahua Santa Clause. I am now putting my list together and I could not be more excited, well maybe if I won a ham lottery, but I am not even sure there is one of those. Anyway, we all know that I am very naughty and not very nice so you might be thinking that I won’t get anything for Christmas. The beauty of the Chihuahua Santa is that he understands me and my bad behaviors. If given the chance, he would probably bite children and adults too. If you try to take your present out of his paws, watch out! He gets the behavior issues because he has them too. It is hard to fight the old Chihuahua heritage. We were born to be little snarky nippers. Instead of hiding under my blanket, I will be proud of my history and the behaviors that come from it. Once the holiday is over, I will go back to hiding, but not during the month of the Super Snarky Santa. I am all in for some barking and biting. HO HO OUCH (is what you will be saying)
Checking his list six or seven times!

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