Friday, April 26, 2013

Don't Compost, I'll EAT it !!

Do you know that there is a bag somewhere in your house that has really cool stuff in it? It is usually plastic and smells kind of funny, but good. People try to take it from you and you must stand up for yourself and let them know that it belongs to you. It is my trash, not yours. I found it and I am not letting you take it. I can even get in the trash bag if it is left unattended and I am then surrounded by the intoxicating aromas and I snarf whatever I can get. When my parents try to take out my trash, I bark and carry on so that they will leave it where it is most convenient for me. So far this hasn’t worked. The trash goes out the door and I never see it again. I’m sorry that this is kind of a sad story, but one that has to be told. Don’t let anyone take your trash. It will be gone for good. I’m just sayin’…..

Trash Man       

Friday, April 19, 2013

Seems I've Always Had a Big Head

There have been some more requests for my puppy photos, but I have been reluctant to release these photos as my head appears to be really large. I now know that it was just that my brain was really big compared to my body at the time, but now I have kind of evened out. My Mom took me to Colorado Canine Orthopedics almost every day when I was just a wee pup. She wanted me to be socialized at a young age. I would visit Internal Medicine where I overheard some of the Doctors discussing my large head. This was fairly traumatic to me at that young age, but now I am over it. If they give me treats when I visit, I can forgive just about anything! So enjoy the photos of my big head and if you are going to make fun of me, you better have a treat in your pocket.
Chuck Headstrong

Friday, April 12, 2013

Lettuce Love

I am a super healthy eater. I love all kinds of healthy stuff like fruit, (refer to previous banana blog) vegetables and even bean sprouts, but one of my most favorite healthy treats is lettuce. OK, so I know it is for the bunny rabbits, but I asked them and they don’t mind sharing with me. Cayenne even eats lettuce sometimes though she holds it in her mouth for ridiculously long periods of time in fear that I will steal it from her, which I would. It is best eaten fresh, right out of the fridge, if you can just get someone to open the stupid lettuce drawer. I don’t need dressing or croutons on my lettuce, but I would still eat it if someone went to all the trouble to spruce it up for me. This would probably have to be a well choreographed accidental salad dropping for me to ever indulge in a real salad. I will stick to my lettuce drawer salad and I must eat it quickly so the rabbits don’t get it. They could just hop over and take what belongs to me. I don’t think so. I need roughage and greens too.

Lettuce Crisper

Friday, April 5, 2013

No tanning booths for me..... - Coppertone Chihuahua

The sun is warm, the sun is bright. I love sitting in the sun. My Mom has to keep me out of it sometimes cause my underbelly actually gets tan. I don’t care about that, I just like the way it makes me feel. You can find me anywhere in the house where there is a sliver of sun coming through. All I need is a lawn chair and a cold drink and I can sunbathe with the best of them. I wonder if they make little sunglasses in my size? Or maybe some doggie suntan lotion for my golden brown belly. Maybe I could get a little hat too? From my native country, I think they call that a sombrero. Great, now I need accessories. Please let my Mom know that I need more stuff! At least I am not planning on going to college.

Coppertone Chihuahua