Friday, April 4, 2014


Sweatpants! I know you are wondering what I, Chuck would care about sweatpants. It is not like I can wear them myself. I will get to the point in a moment, but first I want to talk about a super fun game for dogs. Tug toys are super fun! You can buy them at pet stores and get them as gifts in a fun pack of dog toys. Almost all dogs like them, even small dogs like me. Ok, back to the sweatpants. The cheapest tug toy ever is super easy to find and I bet many of you haven’t even thought of it. The string on sweatpants is the best. You can also use the string on hooded sweatshirts. This works just as well and can be found on many unwilling people so you have to be sneaky. You act like you want to get all cuddly and snuggly and stuff (people love that), then you get in there and get the string and tug, tug, tug! Another cool thing about this is how the pants get all tight while you’re tugging. This may irritate the wearer of the sweat attire, but just keep tugging and don’t give up. I suppose if I ever got the entire string out of the pants it could mean another surgery for me. Yikes! You know the little hoodies that I wear don’t have those little strings on them. I wonder why!?

Little Tug Boat


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